Neuramon On-Chain Game v0.1

Polychain Monsters
Published in
5 min readAug 16, 2023


Disclaimer: Neuramon is experimental. Please be aware of potential uncertainties and changes.

Neuramon Earth Unidragon

The world of NFTs is ever-evolving. Recently, we introduced our experimental packs of AI-generated NFTs. For those who participated, you had the opportunity to lock in 6 PMON to get 3 AI-generated monsters. And if one of those monsters wasn’t to your taste? No problem! After 24 hours, you could simply swap it back for PMON. The goal of this experiment was simple: to gauge if our community was as enamored with AI-created content as they were with 3D animated NFTs. The verdict is in, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with over 2,500 monsters minted in one week.

AI Packs Experiment Stats

Given this successful trial run, we are thrilled to announce the evolution of this initiative into a full-fledged on-chain game. Introducing Neuramon On-Chain Game v0.1 on Arbitrum Nova.

What exactly are Neuramon?

To satiate your curiosity, Neuramon are accessible by purchasing packs on the Polychain Monsters website. Each pack unravels 3 AI-generated Neuramon. At present, we are working in tandem with Stability AI, leveraging their SDXL model. The creative force behind every Neuramon is a combination of image prompts and textual cues, both positive and negative. For instance, drawing a “Unidragon” of the “Fire” type would yield a textual cue similar to “cute, impressive fire dragon monster with flames and a volcanic backdrop”, utilizing a red Unidragon as the primary image. To sidestep potential AI anomalies, we incorporate negative prompts such as “human” or “people”.

Each Neuramon has its own unique DNA, with its token ID serving as the seed for its AI creation. Beyond just visuals, the Neuramon possess a slew of AI-driven attributes on-chain, ascertained via a random number sourced from an oracle. The true beauty of this system lies in its subjectivity; what one might view as a pristine rendering, another might cherish an AI glitch as a collector’s edition.

Polymon AI Transformation

For those who are tech-savvy and are keen to delve into the backend of things, the most recent logic can be found in our smart contract. And yes, Neuramon are already brimming with game-centric metadata, such as elemental strengths and health points (HP), paving the path for v0.2.

Dreaming about the day when Neuramon are entirely generated by on-chain AI? We are too! Stay updated on our journey towards that future by checking out our zkMon project.

Grabbing Your Neuramon Pack: Here’s the Scoop!

Venture into Arbitrum Nova to unlock Neuramon packs. Each pack reveals 3 distinct Neuramon. And to keep each monster company, you’ll be locking in 2 PMON alongside it.

Upon unveiling your monsters, should one or more not resonate with you, you have the freedom to swap them back for PMON. While the experience is enriching, the process entails a modest fee (in ETH), primarily to offset the AI generation costs. We have kept this fee at a minimal $0.10 per monster, which leaves us with a marginal profit. And as we’re always looking ahead, we might soon be relying on self-hosted AI, further reducing these costs.

Now, let’s talk about the POL fee (POL = Protocol-Owned Liquidity), also set at $0.10 per monster. Wondering how it’s put to work?

  1. Half of the ETH from the POL fee goes into a swap for PMON via an Automated Market Maker (AMM) — in our case, Sushiswap.
  2. After the swap, the remaining ETH and the new PMON are jointly added as liquidity on the AMM.
  3. To wrap it up, the LP (Liquidity Provider) tokens generated from this addition are then burned, ensuring the liquidity remains in the pool. This is how an example transaction that includes POL fee looks like.

With gas prices on Nova being astonishingly low (around 1 cent for most transactions), this offers an affordable gateway to the world of Neuramon.

Not sure how to get started with ETH on Nova? It’s easy! You can bridge your ETH from the Ethereum mainnet or Arbitrum One, or even use a third-party bridge.

Embark on a Neuramon Adventure

At their core, Neuramon are cherished collectibles. Their true charm lies not just in owning them but in the adventures they lead you on. Currently, we are pioneering two mechanisms: adventures and battles. Adventures are already live, with battles poised to make their grand entrance soon.

Adventures are fully on-chain experiences. Once initiated, a random number aids in determining the name of the adventure, which then acts as a prompt for AI-generated visuals.

Sample Adventure Image

Venturing into an adventure might require some PMON or ETH. All PMON used in adventures converge into a reward pool, setting the stage for future battles and adventures. And rest assured, any ETH cost associated with an adventure is transparently detailed.

Each adventure is an optional escapade. The essence of the adventure lies in its unpredictability, from its commencement to its duration and the rewards it bestows upon completion.

Initially, your Neuramon’s health points (HP) stand to benefit the most from these adventures, which will play a pivotal role in the imminent battles.

Battles: A Glimpse into the Future

The blueprint for battles is in its final stages. What’s in the offing is a frontend, which we’re laboring to bring to life. Drawing inspiration from Polychain Islands, these battles are on-chain, designed for those with a strategic bent of mind and a penchant for passive gameplay. Stay tuned for more updates on this exhilarating journey of Neuramon battles!

About Polychain Monsters

Polychain Monsters is an enchanting cross-chain realm pulsing with dynamic, gamified collectibles — fueled by PMON. Here, you’re not merely a collector but a brave adventurer forging bonds with Polymon — your metaverse-ready frens bursting with personality. With stunning designs and lifelike animations, Polychain Monsters bring a whole new dimension to the world of NFTs.

Being more than just pixels on a screen, Polymon are the heart and soul of your digital journey, weaving their way into your wildest adventures and fondest memories. As you join the Polyverse, your epic journey unfolds from various blockchain ecosystems to the exhilarating Polychain Islands. Battle, collect, and earn rewards as you redefine what it means to live and thrive in the digital realm. When the clock strikes 11:11, the true spirit of Polychain Monsters awakens, reshaping the landscape of Web3.

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Polymon NFTs
Ethereum: OpenSea
Bitcoin Ordinals: Magic Eden
BNB Chain: OpenSea | tofuNFT
Polygon: OpenSea | tofuNFT
Solana: MagicEden

