Polychain Monsters Is Integrating Chainlink CCIP to Help Unlock Dynamic, Cross-Chain NFT Gameplay

Polychain Monsters
Published in
4 min readSep 27, 2023


We’re excited to announce that Polychain Monsters is integrating Chainlink CCIP — the industry standard for secure cross-chain interoperability — across Arbitrum, Base, and Optimism mainnets. Specifically, we are leveraging CCIP’s arbitrary messaging functionality to help build cross-chain NFTs that can be transferred to battle on multiple layer-2 chains and upgrade NFT metadata on the origin chain after battles have completed, pioneering true cross-chain NFT gameplay.

We selected CCIP as our go-to interoperability solution because Chainlink has a proven track record of maintaining the highest standard of security and reliability in the Web3 industry. Furthermore, CCIP is backed by the Risk Management Network — a separate, independent network that continually monitors and verifies cross-chain operations for suspicious activity. This additional layer of security is particularly important given historical industry exploits and the billions in user funds lost due to insecure and unreliable cross-chain infrastructure.

Polychain Monsters has historically been a multi-chain collectible game, with a focus on enhancing user accessibility regardless of their chosen blockchain — leading to the name “Polychain.” Integrating CCIP is the next step to realizing our vision of a seamless NFT game that spans multiple blockchains: It enables us to move faster and create a much-improved player experience. Specifically, we can localize gameplay to the Base blockchain while enabling users to transfer their NFTs from a variety of other chains to join battles. After the battle, an NFT’s metadata can be updated on the chain it came from through CCIP’s secure cross-chain messaging feature.

While we’ve had cross-chain gameplay in mind for a long time, we needed access to a highly secure and reliable interoperability solution, especially in light of historical industry exploits. After reviewing various solutions, we are integrating Chainlink CCIP because it provides a multitude of important benefits and features, such as:

  • Time-tested security and reliability — CCIP’s consensus and messaging layer is powered by Chainlink decentralized oracle networks, which have already secured tens of billions of dollars for smart contracts and enabled over $8 trillion in on-chain transaction value. CCIP also features additional layers of protection and reliability via the Risk Management Network and Smart Execution.
  • Seamless integration — CCIP offers a unified cross-chain developer experience by providing a single, easy-to-integrate interface. Developers only need to integrate the CCIP Router on-chain to start building secure cross-chain applications.
  • Scalable architecture — CCIP eliminates the need for developers to write custom code for chain-specific integrations, while users can interact with any blockchain via a single interface.
  • Future-proof — CCIP is built to support continuous updates, such as the integration of new blockchains, the introduction of advanced functionalities, and the addition of other defense-in-depth approaches to security. Thus, integrating with CCIP eliminates future switching costs should new cross-chain functionalities be needed.

“Every project wants to go cross-chain, but security is a real concern given the past few years. Integrating Chainlink CCIP provides our users and our team with peace of mind that we are using the same secure and reliable infrastructure that helps secure randomness for our Non-Fungible Booster Packs.” — Leif Eric Leiser, CEO and Co-Founder of Polychain Monsters.

About Chainlink

Chainlink is the industry-standard Web3 services platform that has enabled trillions of dollars in transaction volume across DeFi, insurance, gaming, NFTs, and other major industries. As the leading decentralized oracle network, Chainlink enables developers to build feature-rich Web3 applications with seamless access to real-world data and off-chain computation across any blockchain and provides global enterprises with a universal gateway to all blockchains.

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting chain.link or reading the developer documentation at docs.chain.link. To discuss an integration, reach out to an expert.

About Polychain Monsters

Polychain Monsters is an enchanting cross-chain realm pulsing with dynamic, gamified collectibles — fueled by PMON. Here, you’re not merely a collector but a brave adventurer forging bonds with Polymon — your metaverse-ready frens bursting with personality. With stunning designs and lifelike animations, Polychain Monsters bring a whole new dimension to the world of NFTs.

Being more than just pixels on a screen, Polymon are the heart and soul of your digital journey, weaving their way into your wildest adventures and fondest memories. As you join the Polyverse, your epic journey unfolds from various blockchain ecosystems to the exhilarating Polychain Islands. Battle, collect, and earn rewards as you redefine what it means to live and thrive in the digital realm. When the clock strikes 11:11, the true spirit of Polychain Monsters awakens, reshaping the landscape of Web3.

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Bitcoin Ordinals: Magic Eden
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Solana: MagicEden

